Parent Resources
Whether you are just beginning your parenting journey or a seasoned veteran, we have the resources that will be the right fit for you and your family.
Understanding Prenatal Screening​
Understanding Prenatal Screening and Testing for Chromosome Conditions, created by Lettercase, is specifically for patients who are being offered testing and want more information about the different kinds of testing and the different conditions for which they are being tested.
Prenatal Diagnosis Support
If you have just received a prenatal diagnosis, please check out "Understanding a Down syndrome Diagnosis" a free online booklet distributed by Lettercase. Here you can learn more information about Down syndrome.
Down Syndrome Pregnancy provides a free downloadable, practical guide for expectant moms, Diagnosis to Delivery: A Pregnant Mother’s Guide to Down Syndrome, along with resources for family members.
Unexpected: Stories of a Down Syndrome Diagnosis​
Find online connections to parents raising children at the same age and those interested in special content and topics.
New Parent Guide​​
While most people have heard of Down syndrome, a lot of people are not familiar with what a diagnosis can mean for their child.
Please take a moment to learn more by reading a comprehensive guide called "A Promising Future Together" by the National Down Syndrome Society.
The Parent's Guide​
This book offers real stories, practical information and lots of resources for families from pregnancy through adulthood. Cowritten by our Executive Director, Jen Jacob, many rockin' family stories/experiences are shared throughout. From the early days with a new diagnosis and throughout your child's life, you will find topics
Available to order online and in book stores near you.
47 Strings
​​A great read all about Down syndrome- especially to share with siblings, family, friends and classmates.